In the dynamic world of forecasting, choosing the right variables, also called leading indicators or features, can make all the difference between accurate and unreliable forecasts. Our advanced variable selection tool empowers you to identify the most relevant variables, optimizing your forecasting models for accuracy, efficiency, and reliability.
Many organizations rely on correlation to identify leading indicators, but this approach often falls short in producing accurate forecasts.
Correlation only measures the linear relationship between two variables, whereas advanced methods can assess interactions among multiple variables, quantify the contribution of each, and account for group effects. This leads to significantly improved forecast accuracy.
For more insights, check out our interview with Professor Sune Karlsson, a key contributor to research on Bayesian Variable Selection.
In this recorded webinar, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of various methodologies for identifying leading indicators. We'll cover approaches ranging from visual plotting and correlation analysis to advanced techniques for variable selection.
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