Forecasting Retail Trade requires analyzing a blend of macroeconomic drivers, such as unemployment rate, short-term bonds, energy prices, and interest rates.
Assessing and anticipating these factors is vital for understanding market volatility and its impact on the aviation industry.
Time taken to
identify most
relevant indicators
No. of leading
indicators tested
Use cases
Accurately forecast demand months ahead with improved forecasting accuracy
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Get an accurate overview of where demand is headed
No more puzzling together different sources of intelligence.
Instead, use one tool to forecast demand for all your end markets.
Build demand forecasts in a few clicks, and easily update them.
Identify the leading indicators relevant to your market
With seamless access to multiple data sources in Indicio, easily identify which leading indicators have the most bearing on your main variable (demand or sales).
Get the full picture of the dynamics driving demand.
Detect market trend shifts
months ahead
By understanding the demand dynamics of each market,
you gain the ability to detect the market trend shifts related to your industry.
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Indicio advances our digital strategy of becoming a data-driven organization, producing accurate forecasts in a fraction of time.
Indicio tells us how our market will evolve 'without emotions' which aligns everyone from management to production.
Instrumental in helping us achieve higher efficiency in a short period of time.
Case Study
Their primary concern was inefficient resource allocation due to unclear market shifts and inaccurate demand forecasting. Relying on a univariate model limited their ability to use leading indicators, causing missed opportunities, higher costs, and revenue loss.
Using Indicio, they've now been able to identify new and stronger market-leading indicators, improving forecast accuracy and their ability to detect market trend shifts.