Leverage high-frequency data to nowcast economic indicators before official data is released

Optimize forecast accuracy by using the latest mixed-frequency models with Sparse Lasso Penalty, and get real-time insights

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Nowcast key economic indicators

By leveraging high-frequency data, our mixed-frequency models allow you to nowcast key economic indicators such as PMI, Consumer Confidence, and CPI in real-time, and give you up-to-the-minute insights. Ahead of your competitors.

20-80% accuracy improvement

Users have seen accuracy improvements of 20-80% compared to traditional forecasting models. With the implementation of the sparse-Group Lasso Midas models, you can expect precise forecasts that closely align with the actual values.

Gain a competitive edge

Imagine having access to data that isn't available to others yet. With early access to relevant data, you have a strategic advantage over competitors. Identify emerging trends and market shifts before others do, and take proactive measures.

Efficient data utilization

The Midas model efficiently handles high-dimensional datasets, allowing us to incorporate a wide range of relevant financial variables. This ensures the most significant factors driving the main variable are captured, providing a complete view of the economic landscape.

Flexible modeling

Whether you're interested in short-term forecasts, mid-term projections, or a combination of both, we've got you covered. The flexible modeling technique is optimized to have a greater benefit over ridge regression.

Enhance nowcasting accuracy

The emergence of non-traditional data sources presents an opportunity to enhance nowcasting accuracy further. By leveraging hundreds of potentially useful non-traditional series, analysts can gain deeper insights into economic dynamics.

The advantage of Mixed-Frequency models (MIDAS) compared to traditional nowcasting models is apparent when benchmarking its accuracy.

In this forecast where composite steel prices in China is forecasted, the out-of-sample results one step ahead, is 80% more accurate than the best-performing non-MIDAS model. (The GRU diff model)

MIDAS's intrinsic ability to handle mixed-frequency data (e.g., daily in a monthly forecast) means you can seamless incorporate all your data without needing to aggregate or disaggregate, or cause any potential information loss.

When forecasting in Indicio, you can easily add and analyze data with multiple frequencies.

Book a demo and see how it works

Gain a competitive edge by accessing crucial economic information ahead of others, and gain valuable insights into economic trends.

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key economic indicators such as PMI, CPI, and Consumer Confidence in real-time, and get up-to-the-minute insights.



compared to traditional forecasting models.


and make decisions based on data that isn't available to others yet.