Have you had trouble identifying the relevant leading indicators or KPIs? Have you also experienced that your identified indicators are starting to point in different directions?
Many companies rely on correlation to identify leading indicators. However, there are better ways of selecting the indicators that are relevant to your organization.
If relevant indicators are not used, you will miss out on forecast accuracy and the ability to detect market trend shifts.
With Indicio, you can identify your specific market leading indicators, and rank them according to relevance over time. Econometric forecast models are then applied to generate accurate forecasts.
“Using Indicio to forecast tells us how our market
will evolve 'without emotions' which aligns everyone from management to production.
Top-line growth and bottom-line profitability are top of your agenda. How can you best be prepared to predict demand on all horizons?
With a forecast accuracy improvement of 40 - 60%*, you are better equipped to optimize working capital, efficiently allocate resources, and determine production levels.
*Indicio's customers' average forecast accuracy improvement
The inability to detect market trend shifts leads to a high discrepancy between forecasted and actual demand.
As planning agility is limited, this could lead to over-production or untapped demand.
By identifying trend shifts earlier, there is time to adjust production capacity, and more accurately capture demand.
It's no longer a guarantee that relationships that drive demand in the past still hold true; It's key to have a strong forecasting framework that can take new signals into consideration and rethink the competitive, fast-changing environment.
With access to thousands of leading indicators instantly, and selecting the most optimum statistical model, you get the most statistically-accurate forecast to work with.
To be able to go from a hypothesis to a full forecast in 5 minutes means that you get the opportunity to test our different market scenarios quickly.
You also have the option to easily evaluate historical accuracy against the actual outcome. Clear and unambiguous.
It's a challenge to predict industry shifts in the face of uncertainty. By pinpointing particular domain uncertainties and incorporating scenario planning, you can enhance both flexibility and accuracy in your forecasting.
Perform a conditional forecast using your selected exogenous variables and compare it with your baseline model.
Whether your goal is to increase market share or safeguard against volatility,
the road to making decisions confidently lies in generating accurate forecasts you can trust.